MongoDB vs Cassandra - Which NoSQL Database is Better?

November 12, 2021


NoSQL databases are all the rage right now, with different options available to choose from. In this blog post, we'll be comparing MongoDB and Cassandra, two popular NoSQL databases. So, sit back, relax and let's compare the two.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that is widely used in web applications. One of the standout features of MongoDB is its flexibility in handling unstructured data. Unlike the traditional SQL database, it does not require a pre-defined schema. This makes it easy to work with if you frequently update and change your data structures.

What is Cassandra?

Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database designed for handling large amounts of structured data. It is best known for its scalability and fault-tolerance, which makes it ideal for businesses dealing with big data. Cassandra was developed at Facebook and is now an Apache-backed project.

Performance Comparison


One of the critical metrics we use to evaluate database performance is scalability, which refers to how well a database can handle an increase in data volume or user requests. Cassandra handles scalability better than MongoDB, making it a better fit for larger applications.

Read-Write Performance

When it comes to read-write performance, MongoDB outperforms Cassandra. While both databases are fast, MongoDB is optimized for read operations, making it ideal for applications that require regular reads.


When it comes to latency, Cassandra lags behind MongoDB, even though Cassandra is widely acknowledged as the more powerful database. In the battle between latency vs. power, MongoDB comes out on top regarding latency.

Cost Comparison

Licensing Cost

With MongoDB, the Community Edition is a free version, but if you opt for the Enterprise Edition or Atlas, you will have to pay a licensing fee. Meanwhile, Cassandra is entirely free and has no enterprise version.

Operating Costs

Both databases are open-source, but Cassandra is known to be more complex, requiring more management than MongoDB. As a result, operating costs for Cassandra may be higher than MongoDB, especially if you are working on a small project.


The choice between Cassandra and MongoDB depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you require scalability, Cassandra may be a better option, but if read-write performance is essential, MongoDB may be the best choice. In the cost comparison, Cassandra stands out as a more economical option since there are no licensing fees.

Whatever your choice may be, remember that both databases are excellent NoSQL solutions that can back your project successfully.


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